Outfit of the day: snowy inner yard.
Idag fick jag hjälp av min kollega Kalle som höll i kameran. Tur det, jag hade glömt mitt stativ hemma.
Klänning: Innocent World
Bolero: Esprit
Blus: Metamorphose
Strumpbyxor: Åhléns
Stövlar: Primark
Accessoarer: H&M, Metamorphose, Jane Marple
Today's outfit. I got help from my co-worker Kalle who held my camera. Good thing since I forgot my tripod at home.
Package day! Innocent World, Baby and Meta, oh my.
Idag fick jag paket! Det var tur att jag var hemma när postbudet kom för i den här kylan och snömodden hade jag nog inte gått ut för att hämta paketet. Servicestället för uthämtning av paket via bud ligger i ett industriområde. INTE roligt att promenera där själv när det är mörkt och kallt.
Klänningen är från Innocent World, en ungefär två år gammal kollektion. Den här gången är det faktiskt sammet och inte smalspårig manchester (ett misstag som jag har råkat ut för flera gånger på sistone).
Närbild på klänningens tryck. Kronor och rosor, vad mer kan jag önska mig? Färgkombinationen, blå nyanser mot en gräddvit botten, får mig att tänka på gammeldags sirligt porslin.
Halsband från Innocent World. Den här kronan är tung och stor och alldeles underbar med den lilla dinglande keruben. Jag har ett likadant halsband i brons så jag vet inte om jag ska behålla det eller inte. Vi får se.
Vita hårrosetter från Baby the Stars Shine Bright. Berlockerna och spetsen, ah, jag älskar alla dessa detaljer. Jag ska inte behålla dem däremot. Jag har ingen användning för dem så de får vandra vidare till en vän. Både klänningen, halsbandet och dessa rosetter såldes som ett set och egentligen ville jag bara åt klänningen. :P
Det här halsbandet behåller jag däremot. Jag lyckades hitta det på Metamorphoses rea och lyckades tajma in när Sara beställde. Jag har ju det matchande armbandet sedan tidigare. Jag gillar att halsbandet är en lite längre modell. Kandelabersilhuetten ligger vackert under pärlbandet.
Ikväll är det premiär för tredje säsongen av Mad Men. Kanal 9, klockan 22:05. Jag har ställt klockan så att jag inte ska glömma bort det. Se den om du kan, det är den bästa serien hittills om du frågar mig.
Om du bor i Skandinavien så skynda dig att vara med i utlottningen av Baby-kalendern för 2010. Sista dagen är idag. Vinnaren presenteras imorgon.

I got my packages today! I'm glad I was home when the courier came because I wouldn't have picked the package up at the delivery place in this cold and snowy weather. The pick up counter for courier packages is in an industrial area which isn't much fun to walk through alone when it's dark and cold.
The dress is from Innocent World, an about two years old collection. It's made out of velvet and not thin corduroy (a mistake I've done a few times lately). I love the print, cream background and blue shades, it reminds me of old porcelain.
The chunky crown and cherub necklace is from Innocent World too and the intricate lace and charm hair bows are from Baby the Stars Shine Bright. They came in a set with the dress and I really just wanted the dress. The hair bows are already taken but I haven't decided on whether to keep the necklace or not since I already have the same in bronze.
I'll keep this Metamorphose necklace though. I'm glad I found it on sale and that I was lucky to co-order with Sara. I have the matching bracelet since earlier. I love the chandelier silhouette paired with the pearls.
Tonight it's the premiere of Mad Men season 3 on Swedish television. I'll be watching that and so should you! It's the best series up to date imho.
If you are in Scandinavia, be sure to enter the New Years giveaway - only a couple of hours left now for your chance of winning a Baby 2010 calendar. The winner will be presented tomorrow.

Ikväll är det premiär för tredje säsongen av Mad Men. Kanal 9, klockan 22:05. Jag har ställt klockan så att jag inte ska glömma bort det. Se den om du kan, det är den bästa serien hittills om du frågar mig.
Om du bor i Skandinavien så skynda dig att vara med i utlottningen av Baby-kalendern för 2010. Sista dagen är idag. Vinnaren presenteras imorgon.
I got my packages today! I'm glad I was home when the courier came because I wouldn't have picked the package up at the delivery place in this cold and snowy weather. The pick up counter for courier packages is in an industrial area which isn't much fun to walk through alone when it's dark and cold.
The dress is from Innocent World, an about two years old collection. It's made out of velvet and not thin corduroy (a mistake I've done a few times lately). I love the print, cream background and blue shades, it reminds me of old porcelain.
The chunky crown and cherub necklace is from Innocent World too and the intricate lace and charm hair bows are from Baby the Stars Shine Bright. They came in a set with the dress and I really just wanted the dress. The hair bows are already taken but I haven't decided on whether to keep the necklace or not since I already have the same in bronze.
I'll keep this Metamorphose necklace though. I'm glad I found it on sale and that I was lucky to co-order with Sara. I have the matching bracelet since earlier. I love the chandelier silhouette paired with the pearls.
Tonight it's the premiere of Mad Men season 3 on Swedish television. I'll be watching that and so should you! It's the best series up to date imho.
If you are in Scandinavia, be sure to enter the New Years giveaway - only a couple of hours left now for your chance of winning a Baby 2010 calendar. The winner will be presented tomorrow.
baby tssb,
innocent world,
My favourite picks from Gothic & Lolita Bible vol. 35
Lolitas are memes - "The Virtual Social: Actor-Network Theory in cyberculture" (2009)

Min väninna har skrivit en akademisk uppsats där hon använder sig av aktör-nätverksteorin och förklarar hur och varför de största lolitadiskussionsgrupperna på nätet fungerar som de gör. Uppsatsen heter "The Virtual Social: Actor-Network Theory in cyberculture" och kan laddas ner från Mediafire.
Uppsatsen liknar Livejournalcommunityn EGL och dess systergrupper som ett nätverk som hålls ihop av ett lim som består av normer, interna koder och en gemensamt överenskommen struktur. Inom nätverket finns sedan aktörer och medlare av olika rang som lämnar spår, influerar, utvecklar och är beroende av andra aktörer och medlare inom gruppen.
I en diskussionstråd på EGL om vad som krävdes för att vara lolita svarade en majoritet av medlemmarna att "lolita är enbart ett mode". Lolitakläderna i sig är då aktörerna i gruppen som driver och utvecklar flödet och lämnar spår efter sig i form av bilder. Kläderna sprids via nästa aktör som är datorerna och återanvänds med hjälp av medlemmarna inom diskussionsgruppen som är medlarna. På det sättet blir själva utövandet av lolita ett meme och lolitor blir då kopior av varandras skådespel.
The computer is then the unseen actant in this network or rather, performance. It is with computers and cameras that one can document the moment of being lolita. It is also with computers that users upload their lolita photos, comment on the lolita photo, and even enhance their attractiveness using computer programmes like Photoshop.
Most importantly, it is only with computers does lolita exist as a meme. It exists as a meme because it is imitated faithfully (the same silhouette, aesthetics) and selfcontained.
The lolita is the lolita, there is no further divisible value because lolita is an act. There is the clothes, but the clothes must be worn by the user. There is the user, but the user alone is not a lolita. Therefore, the lowest denominator of the unit is the lolita – a single undivisible unit of cultural transmission; replicated.
My friend wrote a paper analyzing the biggest lolita communities on Livejournal by using the actor-network theory to explain why and how they function. The paper is called "The Virtual Social: Actor-Network Theory in cyberculture" and can be downloaded from Mediafire.
The community EGL and it's subgroups are built and held together with it's own structures and norms and is driven, influenced and dependent on actors and mediators that leave traces behind where ever they go.
In a discussion on EGL about what defines a lolita the majority of the commenters said that "lolita is nothing but a fashion". The fashion, the clothes, are then the actors that leave traces behind in form of photos in the community, spread by computers and the internet (also actors) and interpreted by the mediators (the wearers). This makes the act of lolita a meme and lolitas as different variations of copies of eachother.
The computer is then the unseen actant in this network or rather, performance. It is with computers and cameras that one can document the moment of being lolita. It is also with computers that users upload their lolita photos, comment on the lolita photo, and even enhance their attractiveness using computer programmes like Photoshop.
Most importantly, it is only with computers does lolita exist as a meme. It exists as a meme because it is imitated faithfully (the same silhouette, aesthetics) and selfcontained.
The lolita is the lolita, there is no further divisible value because lolita is an act. There is the clothes, but the clothes must be worn by the user. There is the user, but the user alone is not a lolita. Therefore, the lowest denominator of the unit is the lolita – a single undivisible unit of cultural transmission; replicated.
A lolita meme from F*** Yeah Lolita
All in English this time because I cba translating to Swedish. ;P
1. Best Lolita fashion advice you've ever received?
Keep the fluff in the petticoat by hanging it upside down, inside out.
2. Style icons?
I take inspiration from all kinds of magazines, art and even random things sometimes. I don't like to limit myself to just a single style because I'm afraid I'll grow stale and boring if my inspiration flow is narrowed. There are two persons that I really love stylewise within lolita though:

Sachi of Kokusyoku Sumire for being a flawless beauty even when wearing a reindeer hat.

Rizzell, blogging under Aristocratic Maiden, because she has the wardrobe I would kill for.
3. Describe your personal style.
It's me, Maria! :D Seriously though, in my fantasies I picture myself as a modern Russian duchess: a little bit of kitsch, a little bit of luxury and lots of bitter sarcasm with a drink in my hand. In reality I think I am more like any other classic lolita with a romantic relation to all things vintage.
4. Favorite designers/brands?
Innocent World, Metamorphose, Juliette et Justine and various other brands and vintage finds that can add interesting details to the overall outfit.
5. Most cherished items?
6. Most used item?
My plain black fully shirred BtSSB JSK. It was my first piece of burando (besides some totes)! And I wear it all the time. It's just so easy to wear and you can match it with just about anything.
7. I feel best wearing?
Whatever I happen to like most this week. Usually something black because I feel most comfortable in black.
8. The first thing I look for in another Lolita's outfit...
Texture maybe. I like outfits with lots of different kinds of textures. Either lots of ruffles, interesting fabric, fur, or something like that.
9. Lolita Fashion rule you never break?
What one haven't I blindly broken?! Honestly though, skirt shape. It's just not Lolita to me if it isn't poofy. If I wear something with minimal poof, I just feel like I'm wearing it wrong.
10. Never caught wearing?
I bet no matter what I put here I am going to fall in love with in the next month or two! I used to hate rocking horse shoes, bonnets, and polka-dots. Now I love them! But honestly, probably super casual stuff like ETC and MILK. It's cute, just not me at all. I would feel like I'm wearing just regular clothes in them, and where's the fun in that?
11. Dress to impress who?
Dress to impress yourself :P
12. Your next "must have" purchase?
A black and white striped JSK and an all black Marie Antoinette styled dress, probably from Anna House.
13. Favorite type of head accessory?
My head bows! I like big ones most of all, but little classy side bows are cute too. They're just so easy to wear and you don't really have to over style your hair to make them look good.
14. Favorite cut of clothing (shirring, high waist, princess seams etc)?
Well, for brand: shirring, because it will fit me that way, but I do really really love high-waisted skirts. I also love really poofy skirts, I'm not too much of a fan of A-line skirts.
15. Current obsession?
Bonnets! I could never really wear one for everyday wear, but I love oogling over them!
16. Best Lolita fashion advice you can give to anyone:
Cute prints and expensive labels can only go so far to save a train wreck of an outfit. If it doesn't fit you or flatter you, don't wear it. Period.
1. Best Lolita fashion advice you've ever received?
Keep the fluff in the petticoat by hanging it upside down, inside out.
2. Style icons?
I take inspiration from all kinds of magazines, art and even random things sometimes. I don't like to limit myself to just a single style because I'm afraid I'll grow stale and boring if my inspiration flow is narrowed. There are two persons that I really love stylewise within lolita though:
Sachi of Kokusyoku Sumire for being a flawless beauty even when wearing a reindeer hat.
Rizzell, blogging under Aristocratic Maiden, because she has the wardrobe I would kill for.
3. Describe your personal style.
It's me, Maria! :D Seriously though, in my fantasies I picture myself as a modern Russian duchess: a little bit of kitsch, a little bit of luxury and lots of bitter sarcasm with a drink in my hand. In reality I think I am more like any other classic lolita with a romantic relation to all things vintage.
4. Favorite designers/brands?
Innocent World, Metamorphose, Juliette et Justine and various other brands and vintage finds that can add interesting details to the overall outfit.
5. Most cherished items?
6. Most used item?
My plain black fully shirred BtSSB JSK. It was my first piece of burando (besides some totes)! And I wear it all the time. It's just so easy to wear and you can match it with just about anything.
7. I feel best wearing?
Whatever I happen to like most this week. Usually something black because I feel most comfortable in black.
8. The first thing I look for in another Lolita's outfit...
Texture maybe. I like outfits with lots of different kinds of textures. Either lots of ruffles, interesting fabric, fur, or something like that.
9. Lolita Fashion rule you never break?
What one haven't I blindly broken?! Honestly though, skirt shape. It's just not Lolita to me if it isn't poofy. If I wear something with minimal poof, I just feel like I'm wearing it wrong.
10. Never caught wearing?
I bet no matter what I put here I am going to fall in love with in the next month or two! I used to hate rocking horse shoes, bonnets, and polka-dots. Now I love them! But honestly, probably super casual stuff like ETC and MILK. It's cute, just not me at all. I would feel like I'm wearing just regular clothes in them, and where's the fun in that?
11. Dress to impress who?
Dress to impress yourself :P
12. Your next "must have" purchase?
A black and white striped JSK and an all black Marie Antoinette styled dress, probably from Anna House.
13. Favorite type of head accessory?
My head bows! I like big ones most of all, but little classy side bows are cute too. They're just so easy to wear and you don't really have to over style your hair to make them look good.
14. Favorite cut of clothing (shirring, high waist, princess seams etc)?
Well, for brand: shirring, because it will fit me that way, but I do really really love high-waisted skirts. I also love really poofy skirts, I'm not too much of a fan of A-line skirts.
15. Current obsession?
Bonnets! I could never really wear one for everyday wear, but I love oogling over them!
16. Best Lolita fashion advice you can give to anyone:
Cute prints and expensive labels can only go so far to save a train wreck of an outfit. If it doesn't fit you or flatter you, don't wear it. Period.
I'm a brandwhore and I'm not ashamed of it!
Ett av de äldsta skällsorden inom lolitakulturen är "brandwhore". Märkeshora. Bilden av en märkeshora är likställd med Narutards, Wiitards och andra slaviskt följande fans som hyllar allt som deras materiella älsklingar spyr ur sig utan några som helst kritiska åsikter. En märkeshora gör vad som helst för sitt favoritmärkes bästa, älskar allt som favoritmärket ger ut och anstränger sig för att upprätthålla sitt favoritmärkes status och goda rykte.
Jag har suckat högt åt zombieaktiga märkeshoror men ärligt talat så är jag en extremt god kålsupare. I mitt fall gäller det Innocent World, Metamorphose och Juliette et Justine.
Mitt förhållande till Juliette et Justine är som en olycklig kärlek eftersom de ligger utanför min budget just nu. Metamorphose var min första märkeskärlek men med de senaste kollektionerna är vi numera ex som fortfarande är extremt nära vänner. Innocent World är min fästmö - vi har en villkorslös kärlek där de goda sidorna överväger de få dåliga och de få dåliga sidorna får min kärlek att växa sig djupare.
Tre tecken på att jag märkeshorar
Jag föredrar märkeskläder framför billigare alternativ.
Jag har alltid en bestämd bild i mitt huvud av till exempel vilken slags blus jag vill ha. Jag tittar alltid på mina favoritmärken först för jag vet att de rent stilmässigt har vad jag är ute efter. Jag tittar på billigare alternativ men oftast slutar det med att jag köper märkesblusen. Jag köper märkesblusen istället för att köpa fem blusar som var och en för sig är billigare men som inte riktigt är vad jag vill ha och gör mig besviken över att de inte är perfekta.
Och vad för nytta gör fem oanvända blusar som i slutändan kostade lika mycket som en välanvänd märkesblus?
Jag ställer höga krav på kläder och accessoarer som bara märkena når upp till.
Som lolita i Sverige finns den närmsta butiken som säljer märkeskläder i Norge (Neo Tokyo, återförsäljare för Innocent World) och den närmsta butiken efter det är Mfashion i Nederländerna och sedan Baby the Stars Shine Bright i Frankrike. Fattar du min poäng?
Jag vill gärna klämma och känna på plagg innan jag köper dem. Det går inte med lolita eftersom kläderna bara finns att få tag i online. Mina erfarenheter av bra och dåliga onlineköp har lärt mig att om någonting är bra så håller jag mig till det. Det betyder inte att jag slutar vara öppen för förslag men med varje nytt förslag riskerar jag att bli besviken. Jag hatar att bli besviken.
Om jag handlar från mina favoritmärken som jag känner mig trygg med så vet jag att jag får precis det jag vill ha och det jag vill ha är kläder och accessoarer gjorda av material i hög kvalitet med vackra detaljer som sitter som handen i handsken på mig.
Jag vill inte köpa kopior av märkeskläder.
Det finns plagg och prylar från vissa märken som är så populära att de går för flera tusentals kronor över nypris. Självklart finns det företag som utnyttjar detta och tillverkar märkeskopior som är snarlika och betydligt billigare än originalen. Jag har köpt flera kopior av olika märken men jag blir antingen besviken eller tröttnar snabbt och säljer kopiorna efter några månader. Nu har det hänt så pass många gånger att jag helt enkelt inte vill köpa märkeskopior längre. Det hänger ihop med de två ovanstående punkterna: märkeskopiorna har någon detalj som skiljer sig från originalet och därför inte är exakt vad jag vill ha och kvalitén är inte densamma som hos originalet och lever därför inte heller upp till mina krav. För att inte tala om att jag hatar att bli besviken. Jag verkligen HATAR att bli besviken.
Jag vill understryka att jag inte ser ner på lolitor som av olika anledningar inte har råd med, kan eller vill ha en hel märkesgarderob. Av samma anledning vill jag heller inte bli spottad på för att jag föredrar en märkesgarderob. Jag har en hel drös av ickemärkeskläder (ex. H&M, Gina Tricot) och vintageaccessoarer som jag älskar. Jag erkänner däremot att jag är en märkeshora och jag tänker inte skämmas för det.
Bild © frilly capricious
One of the oldest terms in the lolita culture is "brandwhore". The image of a brandwhore is compared to Narutards, Wiitards and other manic fans that worship everything their material darlings put out without allowing any kind of critisism.
I've been sighing heavily at the zombielike brandwhores but to be honest I am really just the same. In my case it's all about Innocent World, Metamorphose and Juliette et Justine.
My relationship with Juliette et Justine is like an unanswered love since they are way out of my budget right now. Metamorphose was my very first love but their collections have grown in a different direction than I have and we are now like exes that are still really close friends. Innocent World is what I would call my fiancée - we have an unconditional love where the good sides overshadow the few bad ones and the few bad ones just makes my love grow even deeper.
Three signs that makes me a brandwhore
Brandwhore sign:
I prefer brand clothing over cheaper alternatives.
Brandwhore reason:
I always have this image in my head of what I want. If I want a blouse, I go to the brand sites first because I know that they carry what I want. I look at cheaper alternatives too but almost always end up buying the brand blouse. I buy the brand blouse because I know it is exactly what I wanted instead of ending up with another five blouses that are almost what I wanted. And what good are five cheaper unused blouses that ended up costing as much as one well used brand blouse?
Brandwhore sign:
I have high expectations when it comes to clothing and accessories and the brands are the only ones who can live up to them.
Brandwhore reason:
As a lolita in Sweden the closest store that sells brand clothing is in Norway (Neo Tokyo, sells Innocent World) and the closest after that is Mfashion in The Netherlands followed by Baby the Stars Shine Bright in France. See what I mean?
I want to pinch and poke garments before I buy them but that's rather difficult since all lolita clothing is available online. My bad and good experiences from buying stuff online has taught me to stick with the stuff that I know live up to my expectations. I never stop being open to new suggestions but every new suggestion involves the risk of getting disappointed. I hate being disappointed. If I buy from my favourite brands I know I get what I want and what I want is clothing and accessories that are made out of high quality materials with intricate details and happen to fit me like a glove.
Brandwhore sign:
I don't want to buy brand copies.
Brandwhore reason:
There are items that are so sought after that their second hand value is higher than the original price tag. Then there are companies who make good use out of this and offer copies of the same sought after items for a much cheaper price. I've bought several brand copies but I always get disappointed or grow tired of the items quickly and resell them after a short while. It's happened so often that I just won't buy any more copies. It has to do with the other points too: there is always a detail (or flaw if you will) that is different from the original, which doesn't make it perfect in my eyes and the quality isn't the same as the original. This makes me disappointed. I've already told you I really hate being disappointed.
I want to point out that I in no way think less of lolitas who can't afford, don't want or for any other reasons are unable to keep a wardrobe filled with brand. For that matter I don't want to be thought less of because I want a brand wardrobe. I have a lot of offbrand (ie H&M, Gina Tricot) and vintage that I love too. I do however admit that I am a brandwhore and I am not ashamed of it.
Closet image © frilly capricious
Innocent World's new homepage is released.

Idag släpptes Innocent Worlds nya hemsida. Ett rejält ansiktslyft! En engelsk variant av hemsidan kommer också inom kort.
Finally a well needed facelift to Innocent World's homepage. An English version is soon to come.
Psycho kittens from Innocent World are back!
Du vet att det är vår när Innocent World tar fram sina psychokattungar. AKTA DIG. De kommer att hypnotisera dig och äta upp din hjärna. Kolla blickarna! ARGH!!! Du gör bäst i att gömma dem under blottarrocken, eh, jag menar, den nya vårkappan. Eller varför inte det nya kavajsetet.
Armbandsuren (nedersta högra hörnet, bild 2) verkar jättesöta men annars är de nya prylarna rätt blahablaha.

You know it's spring when Innocent World brings the psycho kittens. Watch out, they're going to hypnotize you and eat your brain, ARGHHH!!! You better be hiding them under the new coat or jacket set. I like the watches but otherwise the new stuff is pretty meh.
Images scanned from KERA vol 2 2010 by electroxcuute@LJ
Armbandsuren (nedersta högra hörnet, bild 2) verkar jättesöta men annars är de nya prylarna rätt blahablaha.

You know it's spring when Innocent World brings the psycho kittens. Watch out, they're going to hypnotize you and eat your brain, ARGHHH!!! You better be hiding them under the new coat or jacket set. I like the watches but otherwise the new stuff is pretty meh.
Images scanned from KERA vol 2 2010 by electroxcuute@LJ
Belated Christmas gifts.

A Metamorphose necklace, Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, Elizabeth McGrath's Everything that creeps and a Skelanimal plushie. All belated Christmas gifts from Josephine and Niklas.
Lolita Level Test - which level are you?

This meme is from Lolita Charm.
Each criteria is a level. Add up your total and then put yourself into a category. Repost this to your own blog, website, or journal, bolding the ones that apply to you, and then show your score/level at the bottom.
*please note that this post is tagged as humor. satire only, dolls!
You've been to egl.
You've posted on egl, without an onslaught of 'USE THE MEMORIES' and likewise.
You've bought a lolita mook.
You've picked a favorite brand.
You've ordered your first item.
You've worn a full outfit.
You've worn a full outfit out in public.
You've worn a full outfit and posted photos of it on the Internet.
You know what JSK, OP, and cutsew all mean.
You've bought your first brand piece.
You know your measurements.
You know you shoe size - in American, European, and Japanese.
You know who Mr. Yan is.
You know who Mana is. (+1 points if you know his band. +2 points if you know his brand. +3 points if you know why he's featured in every GLB. +4 if you have a shrine to him in your closet.)
You know who Maki and Asuka are. (+2 if you've met Maki and Asuka).
You've watched Kamikaze Girls. (+1 if you know the real name of this movie. +2 if you know who wrote the book this was based on. +3 if you've also read the manga or novel. +4 if you love the author despite his criminal record).
You own a wig. (+1 if you own more than 2.)
You own a pair of falls.
You can identify lace on the spot.
You can identify an item's brand on the spot.
You can identify the year a dress was made by a specific brand on the spot.
You can name several different dresses or prints.
You answer stock photo requests.
You mod a lolita community.
You decorate your nails. (+1 if you wear fake nails. +2 if you make fake nails.)
You own a pair of a rocking horse shoes. (+1 if you know their abbreviation.)
You've made your own rose corsage.
You've made anything out of your brand dress's waist ties.
You've made anything out of a matching eco tote. (+3 if you were the first one to do it, you think).
You know how to apply false eyelashes.
You know how to pronounce shirring.
You know how to pronounce Moi-meme-moitie, or Metamorphose tempes de fille.
You know a reliable shopping service.
You bid on Yahoo!Japan or Mbok.
You've been to a meetup.
You've planned a meetup.
You've planned a meetup with catering or more than 20 attendees.
You've met up with lolitas while on vacation to foreign or faraway locales.
You've seen a lolita fashion show.
You've seen a brand fashion show.
You've modeled in a lolita fashion show.
You've modeled in a brand lolita fashion show.
You wear bloomers.
You know how to make bloomers.
You tell other people to wear bloomers.
You draw lolita art, write a lolita blog, or provide the community with some sort of creative services.
You've taken purikura in lolita.
You've decorated your room/house/apartment in lolita style.
You've listened to lolita music. (Personal note: Wtf is considered lolita music anyway?)
You've learned kana.
You've learned enough Japanese to read a magazine.
You wear or own circle lenses.
You've been called a princess by a young child.
You've dressed up a friend.
You've convert a friend.
You've been in media (television, newspaper, magazine). (+2 points if it's Japanese media.)
You've learned a handicraft, like jewelry making, embroidery, or sewing.
You've become a lolita mentor.
You've attended lolita events at an anime or multi-genre convention.
You’ve organized or presented lolita events at a convention.
You've visited a brand shop.
Trip to Japan!
You've dressed up and gone out alone.
You're prepared for inclement or colder weather in lolita (coat, parasol, boots, gloves, other climate-specific items.)
You've learned face contouring. (Personal note: Why is that specifically lolita?)
You've made a lolita valentine.
You've got a lolita pen pal or online lolita friends.
You have local lolita friends.
You know how to modify clothes that don't fit you.
You know how to dress for your body type.
You've been in a street snap.
You've been to multiple world locations of the same brand store (BABY Paris, BABY Tokyo, BABY San Francisco, etc.)
You've created a makeup/hair/sewing tutorial.
You've sold hand-created lolita goods.
You have your own lolita fashion line.
You've gotten a lolita haircut, style, or color.
You've mixed other street fashions with lolita.
You've thrown a lolita party/had a lolita wedding.
You've dressed your child/small children in lolita or kodona style.
You've successfully cross-dressed in lolita style at least once (boystyle for girls and girls' clothing for guys).
You've lolified or made sure all the contents of your purse are cute (wallet, lipgloss, keyring, etc.)
You have a lolita pet (small dogs, cats, rabbits, exotic birds, fancy fish) or have dressed/accessorized your pet (bows or pet clothes). (Personal note: guinea pigs count, don't you come and tell me anything else! ;P)
You've dressed your significant other or dated someone who dresses in J-fashion/alternative fashion.
You've read Alice in Wonderland. (+1 if you've seen the animated movie or other variations, +2 if you've seen more than one variation, +3 if you own more than one variation)
You've dressed as Alice or another Wonderland character in lolita style, or own Alice themed items.
You've made something from a Japanese pattern.
You've found, bought, or made lolita underwear (bras and panties).
You wear lolita daily, or have gone 7 days straight wearing only lolita.
You have lolita calling cards or business cards.
You play a lolita instrument (i.e., piano, violin, harp, French horn... well any instrument really.)
You can translate yen to your country's currency in your head. (+1 if you can convert other currencies you shop with as well. +2 if you read the news to know how the yen is doing.)
You've sold lolita clothing online (secondhand, egl_comm_sales).
Your article or entry has been put into the egl memories.
You take photos of your outfits/daily outfit photos.
You’ve posted to daily_lolita.
You own a petticoat. (+1 if you own more than one. +2 if you wear three or more at a time).
You’ve bought a lucky pack.
You keep a style diary or look-book.
You can put together an outfit made entirely from offbrand.
You’ve bought offbrand or non-Japanese brand. (Personal note: Who hasn't?)
Adorable Admirer (lvls 1 - 20) You've started studying or liking lolita but haven't taken that leap of faith yet. Good luck!
Resplendant Rufflebutt (lvls 21 - 40) At home within the land of the rufflebutts and spilling frills from every edge.
Victorian Maiden (lvls 41 - 60) A classy lolita of taste and experience, who knows her way around the lolita social set.
Starry Celebrity (lvls 61 - 80) On page six of the lolita world, you've risen to the ring of the upper crust.
Pretty Princess (lvls 81 - 100) Lolita royalty, truly versed in the ways of the lacey ones, the lolita princesses have achieved a special level of enlightenment.
Ultimate Lolita (Boss Fight!) (lvls 100+) Wow, you've gotten over 100 levels? You're the ultimate lolita with unlimited hitpoints. That's actually a little scary...
Image © Jessica Ortwerth, tasting the rainbow♥@flickr
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