
Wardrobe post 2025: This is how much I spent on lolita in 2024

It is the season of wardrobe posts again. Let's talk about the elephant in the collective lolita room: money spent on my wardrobe and what I actually got for the money I spent.


I know, we all know, that choosing lolita is a luxury. Lolitas spend Amounts Of Money but we rarely talk about what kind of amounts. Everyone has different levels of disposable income and the community has worked hard towards being inclusive regardless of level of disposable income (it has not always been that way). There are a lot of jokes about overspending and going in to debt. I have chimed in on those jokes over the years but I don't want to contribute to that anymore. I want to be clear and mindful going forward and for me it starts with taking accountability for my funds and spending.

Here is what I wrote for my 2024 lolita resolutions:

When I think about how much money I spend on my items I get scared. Partly because I don't know exactly what I spend. I could do a rough estimate but going forward I would like to feel more secure and hopefully as a following result also not feel scared. I want to be mindful of my resources, which I already am in all other aspects of my finances, so it is high time that I take this next step in being fully financially confident.

As usual it was more scary to think about the task than to actually follow through with the task. I dedicated a couple of minutes for documenting as soon as I had bought something. I knew if I didn't do it right away I would let it slide. 

I chose to document the amount I paid for an item converted to SEK (Swedish kronor) at the day of documentation.

I chose to not document shipping fees, taxes, customs fees or shopping service fees. I also chose not to document any alteration fees that were needed. This is however something I am aiming for in this year's resolutions which will be interesting to follow up on.

Some items I both bought and sold in 2024 because they didn't fit as anticipated or I didn't use them as much as I had hoped. I chose to remove those items from the documentation since I wanted to focus on items I actually kept. 

I have also sold a lot of things in my wardrobe that no longer served me but I chose to not document that amount either. 


What did I spend during 2024?

I spent 57 426 SEK this past year, which is equivalent to 5004 EUR or 5206 USD.

How do I feel when I see this number? It is a big number and I thought I would feel bad but I am only relieved. I will gladly spend a certain amount when adding to my wardrobe as long as the items have a genuine purpose in my wardrobe. I always add with the intention of keeping items for many, many years to come. Now I have an actual number to refer to and I can be more aware of my spending going forward.

Since this is my first year fully documenting my spending I have nothing to compare it to other than my gut feeling. My gut feeling tells me that this is a higher number than usual for me because I went to Japan in the beginning of 2024. The majority of the amount I have spent this whole year was spent over those two weeks. I saved up over a long time for those two weeks so it was a planned and expected expense. I am also very aware that I am privileged for being able to save up that kind of money to spend on shopping.


What did I get for the amount I spent? 

I added a total of 80 items to my wardrobe. 20 of these items were second hand, the rest were new. Out of the new items, 70 items were from Japanese brands and 10 items were indie brands regardless of origin. 

I bought a lot of newly produced items in 2024 so I would like to go back to buying more second hand again. When I was straight sized it was very easy to buy things second hand but my body has changed so I tend to buy more newly produced items nowadays. When buying second hand I also have to take alteration in to consideration. I have so many thoughts on buying newly produced items from a sustainable point of view but that is a whole other blog post.


Tracking my spending per item is now a habit and I am looking forward to comparing future numbers. Just as I had anticipated I feel more in control and aware than before and I am therefore much more confident in curating my closet.


Resolving lolita resolutions for 2024 and looking forward to 2025


Wow, long time since last. But here I am! I have been thriving and leading a mostly quiet everyday life and I am quite happy with that. When it comes to my lolita resolutions from the past year, I once again set up attainable goals.


2024 resolutions:

  • Document the amount that I buy items for ✅ - I dedicated the time to write down the price of everything I bought in the past year but I chose to exclude the amount I paid for shipping, taxes and customs. I will write another blog post about it dedicated to this single resolution, please look forward to it.
  • Get a sewing machine for minor fixes - In the last few weeks of the year I managed to act on buying myself a sewing machine. I procastrinated it so long because I got caught up in finding the "right" or "good" machine. I realised I just need to get one that is decent as a start, and if I use it more than I thought then it is a future task to upgrade the machine.
  • Go to a Swedish event that is not in Sweden's two biggest cities ❌ - Unfortunately the events that were not in Stockholm or Gothenburg this year did not fit in to my schedule so I didn't fulfill this one.


    2025 resolutions:

  • Prioritize purchases from "the hole list" - I have a list of items that I am in search of that I have identified by what I call holes in my closet. These are items that would make my wardrobe more versatile that I find myself missing regularly. An example is a brown headbow - this is something that I bought in the beginning of 2024 but when I started wearing that brown headbow it wasn't comfortable. So I sold it and now I am again in search for one. This year I want to prioritize purchases to fill the holes and it would be amazing if I by the end of 2025 had an empty hole list. Some items I have yet to find after several years of being on the hole list (a short jacket, think like Baby´s school jacket or VW heart jacket) but I will keep trying.
  • Document alteration costs, shipping, taxes and customs fees of what I buy - I didn't include the sums I paid for items in 2024 that was not the actual item. To make it more visible what things actually cost I want to level up my spending documentation by adding these amounts that are impossible to escape as a lolita who does not have access to physical store shopping. I will also start documenting the alteration costs because as a plus size lolita I want to make it visible in another layer what a garment can actually cost. This is all a part of gathering data to base future mindful choices on as I want to be responsible with my finances.
  • Go to a Swedish event that is not in Sweden's two biggest cities - Since I didn't succeed in this in 2024, let's give it another try.


    I look forward to 2025 - let's do our best.